Catching Up: How Have You Been?
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Publishing to this blog is something I enjoy, but sadly not something I’m naturally good at doing on a regular basis. Forgive me Internets, it has been three months since my last confession, err blog post.
So what’s been going on? Well, October and early November were a mix of client work and Shindig development, a continuation of a year’s worth of very long, hard development hours for me. This sadly led to a bit of burnout. I felt it coming, so I was honest with my Shindig co-founders and arranged to take some leave.
This isn’t the first time that I’ve worked to excess and gotten burned out. Unfortunately, I’m someone who often lives in extremes, working super hard for a period of time and then not working at all for a period of time. It’s no good and I’m trying to mend my ways.
With my time off after Thanksgiving and into December, I got to catch up with my family, including my mom, who had recently retired. (She was even good enough to re-watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy with me in preparation for the Hobbit release). During this time, I also got sick and then got better. I caught up on some fun movies (Wreck-It Ralph, Sykfall, Hobbit, etc.), and got to check out the latest Warcraft expansion.
Alas, one can not stay cooped up forever, and now I’m working again at IndyHall. I’m trying to balance things better this time, going to hall 2-3 days a week and not overcommitting to projects. It’s been a slow start, but things are picking up a bit. I have a small contract that is under NDA but that is giving me the opportunity to learn some new and interesting tech (Ember.js, PostgreSQL, CoffeScript). I’m also doing a mix of marketing and product development with Shindig. Finally, I’m working to take care of some old personal projects and plan a few new ones.
All in all, things are good and I hope to be posting more soon. As always, thanks for your interest, and best of luck to all in 2013! 🙂