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Video: Consuming JSON in Swift

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I gave a talk at Philly CocoaHeads last week reviewing various ways to consume JSON using Swift, including a preview a new open source project we have coming out soon™ from Big Nerd Ranch called Freddy.

Consuming JSON in Swift, Mike Zornek from Philly CocoaHeads on Vimeo.

JSON is a fundamental internet format and if you are building iOS apps the chance you need to download and consume JSON files is extremely high. Additionally, with the introduction of the statically typed Swift language it’s been a little more difficult to work with JSON properly. This talk will cover what JSON is, how one can work with it naturally in Swift, the limitations of doing so, a review of a few popular third party solutions and the introduction of a new JSON tool about to be open sourced by Big Nerd Ranch.

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/zorn/consuming-json-in-swift