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My Favorite TextExpander Shortcut Snippets

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I’ve been a long time TextExpander user. You don’t know of TextExpander? Shame!

TextExpander lets you instantly insert snippets of text from a repository of emails, boilerplate and other content, as you type – using a quick search or abbreviation.

My common shortcut snippets include:

  • Email: z@zl into zorn@zornlabs.com and m@m.com for mike@mikezornek.com.
  • Date: ddate
  • Time: ttime – very handy while testing UI as a piece of dynamic content, yet descriptive and ordered.
  • Common Google Terms: -ep into Elixir Phoenix.
  • Phone Numbers: cphone and hphone into the real phone numbers.
  • Support Email Replies – when I did a lot of that thing.
  • URL to my meeting calendar: -meeting into https://savvycal.com/zorn/chat
  • Common Xcode Comments: -mark into:
// MARK: - Outlets
// MARK: - Properties
// MARK: - Life Cycle
// MARK: - Methods
// MARK: - Private
  • SwiftLint Disables:
// swiftlint:disable rule_name
// swiftlint:enable rule_name

I added a new one today, for the common need to convert a title-like string into a filename-friendly one.

'%pasteboard'.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-');

Thus expanding -urlp into “Nurturing Your Community During Lock Down” (the clipboard) into nurturing-your-community-during-lock-down.

GIF demo of TextExpander snippet.

I’m on the hunt for more too. Let me know if you have any recommendations!