Updated: March 3, 2025
Doing good.
Anxious for spring to finally get here. We have a few days here and there that show signs winter is on the retreat. Appreciate the additional daylight too. Really helps me keep my spirits up.
Enjoying watching some spring training baseball. TV and radio broadcasts are limited but I keep my eye out and watch what I can.
Still working full time for Allovue doing full stack Elixir and Phoenix LiveView web development – but actively looking to return to consulting. If you have any project leads let me know.
Side Projects
I wrote a blog post about local-first software, and am about to start a scoped research project related to it.
I think it might be a hybrid todo/habbits/time-tracker to match my very opionated style of life organization. Currently I solve this with a mix of OmniFocus and Obsidian but I think it could be neat to bring it all together. The time tracking is not something I do much of today but I think it would be helpful to be more strict in tracking these things to see improvements over time.
Early work has been mostly research and reading. Need to make a proper plan. I’ll try to blog this.
Currently Playing
- Civilization 7 – enjoying the unfinished release, but anxious to see more fixes.
- Stardew Valley – I made a new farm one night but not sure if I am in the mood or not.
- MLB: The Show 2025 – will be out mid-March. I’m very likely to play it.
Currently Reading
- Engineering Elixir Applications (for book club)
- Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad
- Art and Fear
If you use GoodReads you can follow me at: https://www.goodreads.com/zorn711
Currently Watching
- Peaky Blinders (just finished season 1)
- Seinfeld (season 3)
Upcoming Events
I am going to Code BEAM America in San Francisco, March 6-7.