Open to new work opportunities.

Updated: August 30, 2024


Getting over COVID. Testing negative again, but still suffering with some shortness of breath and a light cough. I’d say I’m at 90% right now.

Feeling more productive after some down days over the summer. Enjoying having the windows open again.


Working full time for Allovue (since Dec 2023) doing full stack Elixir and Phoenix LiveView web development. Allovue provides accounting software for K-12 school districts.

With the pitch of a small company (~50 people) and a good culture fit, I joined Allovue in December of 2023. Six weeks after joining Allovue was acquired by PowerSchool, and now PowerSchool is going to be acquired by private equity firm Bain Capital.

It is very foggy how things will land with so much change going on. I am giving my long-term future a lot of thought right now and am open to new opportunities.

Side Projects

Working on a LiveView app that does ranked voting called Flick.

Attending and helping with minimal admin duties for Elixir Book Club (where we will use Flick to help pick our next book).

Currently Playing

  • Civilization 6
  • Stardew Valley
  • MLB: The Show 24

Currently Reading

  • MYST: The Book of Ti’ana
  • The Art of PostgreSQL
  • Designing Elixir Systems with OTP
  • The Jobs To Be Done Playbook
  • Shape Up

If you use GoodReads you can follow me at:

Currently Watching

Upcoming Events

  • My sister is getting married in November! I’m giving her away.

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