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Standup for Saturday, June 11, 2022

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Normally I wouldn’t journal over the weekend but since I missed yesterday.

❤️ Feeling: Continuing to enjoy the Phillies win streak. We are 8 in a row now. Had a bit of a shock at the scale after my shower this morning and need to curb my cookie intake.

Accomplishments(Thursday+Friday): On Thursday I opted for some trip planning over side project work. Booked a trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame in July and my hotel for ElixirConf. Also ordered some baseball books I can read on the beach. On Friday got some errands done (car oil changes, fixed broken headlight) and then in the evening went to my aunt’s place for some pizza and to celebrate her birthday.

🥅 Goals: Bank errand with my sister and pretzel pickup in the morning (done!). There is a cool air today so I think I’ll open the windows and do some apartment cleanup this afternoon. Need to clean out my hallway linen closet. Phillies play at 4pm and I’ll watch that and maybe do some coding on my laptop.