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Standup for Thursday, June 2, 2022

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❤️ Feeling: Pretty good. I have to be careful not to over-medicate on the coffee with my extra reading time. I could have quickly gone over my three-cup limit yesterday. It is something I gravitate to while in my reading chair.

Accomplishments(Wednesday): Did some more laundry and am caught up. Blogged a bit about my vacation plans. Read chapter 8 of Unit Testing: Principles, Practices, and Patterns. Pulled the trigger on a new laptop purchase. Attended a Test Double internal hangout where someone presented their Elixir / Phoenix app that ran a Schulze method voting system. The presentation also included some hot takes on hosting on, which is a hosting platform I am considering for future projects. At night played an event in MLB: The Show to earn a Jimmy Rollins card. It will take 15 wins to get, I played 9 3-inning games and only won 3 of them. Depending on how that goes next play session, I might just buy the card using the in-game currency as it is pretty cheap. We’ll see. Watched Phillies beat the Giants 6 to 5.

🥅 Goals: Morning VR workout (done!). Read chapter 9 in my Unit Testing: Principles, Practices, and Patterns book. Do some project idea auditing to see if I can work out what I’d like to work on over the break.

🆘 Help: I’ll be headed to the shore soon™ and welcome book recommendations, work or play.