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Journal -- June 26, 2022

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Sunday, June 26, 2022 – Day 5 of COVID. Doing ok. Symptoms are mild and fluctuate throughout the day. Still taking my flu-type medications and the antivirals. Nowhere near 100% of my normal self but not bed ridden either. I’m up most of the day, usually playing PS4 or watching the Ken Burn’s Baseball documentary. Feel like I should try to do something more productive than laundry soon™ but we will see.

Been isolating as one would expect. My sister was nice enough to drop off some fresh pretzels and deli rolls yesterday which was much appreciated. She also got me some mints and gum to help with the metallic taste in my mouth I have from the antivirals.

Stopped in to the Side Project Saturday Zoom call for Philly CocoaHeads for a little socialization. Sounds like they might do an in person Saturday meetup next month in Jenkintown.

I was well asleep when the Phillies played the Padres last night but woke to hear Bryce broke his thumb during the game. A real shame, particularly considering the season he was having. Hope the other bats step up to fill the void.

In other related baseball news I was bummed to cancel my own planned trip to see a Phillies game next week. I’ll still be in a COVID window of sorts by then and would not want to risk it on others.