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Standup for Tuesday, June 7, 2022

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❤️ Feeling: Not very motivated to get deep into my coding side project and instead have been binging on video games and extra sleep. I guess that is what vacation is for though. 🤷‍♂️ Posting this as the day is almost over.

Accomplishments(Monday): Enjoyed watching the WWDC keynote with my Philly CocoaHead friends. I did not win our bingo game. I had some extremely unlikely squares. Most of Apple’s announcements are not very relevant to me but I might try to catch up on the Passkey stuff and see what that is all about. Had a nice dinner with my sister.

🥅 Goals: Slept in after a staying up later that usual playing my baseball game. Got my walk in for the day, though did it later in the afternoon (~3pm) since my water was shut off in the morning for some kind of emergency maintenance. Some more book reading before dinner is planned, and then some code hacking with the Phillies on in the background.

🆘 Help: I’ll be headed to the shore soon™ and welcome book recommendations, work or play.