Phoenix LiveView: Presenting DateTime in User's Time Zone
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This past weekend, I added a feature to Flick ( where we now present domain-specific DateTime
values, like published_at
and closed_at
, on the live view page using the user’s time zone. I thought I’d capture some notes on how this was accomplished, some known limitations, ideas to solve those in your own work, and a set of resource links to learn more.
Elixir time zone basics
Out of the box, when working with Elixir DateTime
values, you can only create values relative to the Etc/UTC
time zone. If you want to represent values in other time zones, you will need a time zone database.
The Elixir docs discuss this and link a few options. For this post and the Flick project, I choose tzdata
, and the following paragraphs will reference it specifically. However, the Elixir runtime is very flexible if you prefer another.
To add the dependency to your project, you’ll add it to the deps
list in the mix.exs
# mix.exs
defp deps do
# ...
{:tzdata, "~> 1.1"}
Then, you’ll need to configure it as your :time_zone_database
in the config/config.exs
# config/config.exs
config :elixir, :time_zone_database, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase
With that in place, you can create values in a time zone.
iex>[2016-05-24], ~T[13:26:08.003], "America/New_York")
{:ok, #DateTime<2016-05-24 13:26:08.003-04:00 EDT America/New_York>}
The user’s time zone
When I say User
here, I refer to the web browser client requesting a web page from our server.
Sadly, when displaying a DateTime
value in this user’s response, we are hampered by the fact that we do not know their time zone. The time zone is not included with the HTTP request.
Assuming the browser renders the page in an environment that executes JavaScript, the most approachable way to get this is via a function call like:
MDN Reference for DateTimeFormat
Aside: Curiously, the time zone and locale details of the user’s environment are not part of a permission prompt flow even though they leak sensitive data IMO. If viewing the page, assume you are giving up that info.
So, how do we use this relative to our live view page?
The first thing we will do is edit our assets/js/app.js
file. We want to query the browser for the time zone and send it to LiveView via the params
of the LiveSocket
// assets/js/app.js
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content")
// Add this.
let time_zone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
longPollFallbackMs: 2500,
// And `time_zone` here.
params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken, time_zone: time_zone }
From your live view module’s mount/3
function, you can access this time_zone
value like:
def mount(params, _session, socket) do
# ...
# The `time_zone` value will only be available when the live view is
# rendering a `connected?/1` socket, so make sure to define a default.
time_zone = get_connect_params(socket)["time_zone"] || "UTC"
# ...
Once you have the time zone value, any domain-specific DateTime
you are storing in UTC can be converted using DateTime.shift_zone/2
for display to the user.
For the needs of my side project, I made a dedicated module called Flick.DateTimeFormatter
, which helps me shift the DateTime
values and format them to an expected style. It looks something like:
def display_string(date_time_value, time_zone) do
case DateTime.shift_zone(date_time_value, time_zone) do
{:ok, date_time_in_time_zone} ->
Calendar.strftime(date_time_in_time_zone, "%B %-d, %Y %-I:%M %p %Z")
{:error, reason} ->
{:error, reason}
With this in place, I can display a DateTime
value from any live view in the user’s time zone.
A full implementation can be found in the Flick PR if you want more reference materials.
This is a half solution.
You might recall in a code comment above, I said:
The `time_zone` value will only be available when the live view is
rendering a `connected?/1` socket, so make sure to define a default.
You might also recall that when a user requests a URL, the live view first renders a non-connected DOM state. This DOM is delivered to the browser, and only then is a WebSocket established, and thus the live view becomes “connected”.
The outcome of this and the design of our solution is that the user will see the DateTime
value rendered in UTC
first (our default) and then flash into the browser’s time zone as the WebSocket becomes connected.
That kind of sucks, but for the simple needs of Flick, this felt acceptable and is where I left it.
Designing a more complete solution.
In a previous project, I built a meetup group platform. It had to display lots of DateTime
values, and this kind of flashing would not have been acceptable.
For that project, we created a stack of fallback time zones.
- When a user created their meetup group, they defined a default display time zone for the group. This was our fallback default.
- When a web visitor was on the page, we executed JavaScript that would
the observed time zone we saw and then on the backend inside a standard controller we would store the time zone inside the session. This would be our ideal default, and would generally be available on everything except the user’s first page load of the site.
A Hook-based approach.
LittleAccountOfCalm of Reddit also suggests:
Pardon me, but why not render a
<local-time phx-hook="LocalTime" id={@id} class="invisible">{@date}</local-time
component, that has a js-hook like:
Hooks.LocalTime = {
mounted() {
updated() {
let dt = new Date(this.el.textContent);
this.el.textContent = Intl.DateTimeFormat("default", {
dateStyle: "medium",
// timeStyle: "short",
I recall seeing approaches like this before and you correct that this is just as reasonable of a solution for Flick’s needs. I vaguely recall requirements that made it a non-option for my other project (maybe due to time zone presentation in email copy) but a great addition to the post. Thanks for sharing!
Other Resources
I’ll leave you out with some related resources. Good coding, and if you have any questions, reach out.
- Elixir’s
docs are great and worthy of re-read. - My Flick PR where I added this feature.
- Date and Time ยท Elixir School
- I gave a talk Working With Time Zones in an Elixir Phoenix App back in 2020 at a local meetup. I have the video, but the embed on that page is currently down. Slides are there, which might be interesting.
- There was an amazing talk at ElixirConf 2022 Kip Cole - Time algebra: a new way to think about and work with time. This strays from the practical demonstrations of this post but was a memorable talk that impressed me.
- DockYards had their own recent demo blog post, which aligns with many of the things shared here: Getting and Displaying the User’s Local Time in LiveView
- Simon Willison: Storing times for human events