The following is a list of events and conferences I’ve spoken at or attended in recent years. If you have a speaking opportunity that might be a good fit, let me know.
- Attendee: Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2021, May 4-6, Online
- Attendee: Code BEAM V America, March 10-12, Online
- Attendee: BarCampPhilly, December 5, 2020, Online
- Attendee: ElixirConf, September 2 - 5, 2020, Online
- Attendee: Web Directions: Code://remote, September 2020, Online
- Attendee: 360iDev, August 16-19, 2020, Online
- Attendee: Apple WWDC, June 22-26, Online
- Attendee: DockerCon, May 21, Online
- Attendee: Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020, April 14-15, Online
- Speaker: An Introduction to Elixir, Philly Elixir Group, April, Philadelphia, PA
- Attendee: Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise, April 14-15, Philadelphia, PA
- Speaker: Working With Time Zones in an Elixir Phoenix App, Philly Elixir Group, February, Philadelphia, PA
- Attendee: Elixir Conf 2019, August 27‑30, Denver, CO
- Attendee: iOSDevCampDC, August 9, McLean, VA
- Attendee: An Event Apart, July 29–31, Arlington, VA
- Speaker: Lightning Talk: Meet Ecto, a Elixir Database Wrapper. PostgresConf Philly, July, Philadelphia, PA
- Speaker: Using Triplex to Build a Multi-tenant Application on Top of Ecto, Philly Elixir Meetup, July, Philadelphia, PA
- Speaker: Designing a Modern Swift Network Stack, Philly CocoaHeads, January, Philadelphia, PA
- Attendee: Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise, April 23-24, Philadelphia, PA
- Speaker: Deployment Concerns, Philly Elixir Meetup, May 6, Philadelphia, PA
- Speaker: Show & Tell, Paw App Demo, Philly CocoaHeads, November
- Attendee: ElixirConf 2018, Seattle
- Social: Apple Worldwide Developer Conference, San Jose
- Attendee: Release Notes Conference, Chicago
- Speaker: Overcoming the Stress Surrounding Code Review, for the Betterment of Your Project and Career, 360iDev, August
- Speaker: Starting, Growing and Running a Successful Developer Meetup, 360iDev, August
- Speaker: UIKit it Dead, Long Live UIKit! (Video / Slides), Philly CocoaHeads / Android Alliance Mixer, May
- Speaker: Understanding the Many Ways UIViewControllers Can Load Views, Philly CocoaHeads, May
- Talks UIPageViewController, Philly CocoaHeads December
- Attendee: CocoaLove, Philadelphia
- Speaker: Swift Code Patterns From the Ranch, CocoaConf DC, September
- Speaker: Swift Code Patterns, Philly CocoaHeads May
- Speaker: Consuming JSON in Swift (Video / Slides), Philly CocoaHeads January
- Attendee: CocoaLove, Philadelphia
- Attendee: Release Notes Conference, Indianapolis
- Attendee: WWDC / AltConf, San Fransisco
- Speaker: Some Code Patterns (Video / Slides), Philly CocoaHeads April
- Speaker: Custom UIViewController Transitions, Philly CocoaHeads January
- Attendee: CocoaConf, Boston
- Speaker: Modern UITableView, Philly CocoaHeads, September
- Speaker: WWDC Roundtable, Philly CocoaHeads, July
- Speaker: Mentoring, CocoaLove Conference, Philadelphia, October
2013 - ???
Talks and conferences before 2013 are lost in time, for now.
Props and respect to early RailsConfs, C4, SecondConf, Macworld Expo, Seybold Seminars, MacHack and the other local Ruby, Web and Mac themed meetups that helped make me the geek I am today.