Open to new work opportunities.
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  1. Journal -- April 2, 2023 |
  2. Elixir Rap Song |
  3. Journal -- March 12, 2023 |
  4. Potential Consulting Client Questions |
  5. Github Action Talk |
  6. Journal -- February 13, 2023 |
  7. Elixir Context Accessor Function: Which Return Type Do You Prefer? |
  8. Hacker Culture Movies For The Kids |
  9. Journal -- January 22, 2023 |
  10. Boston 2022 Trip |
  11. Journal -- December 17, 2022 |
  12. A New Project: ElixirClub |
  13. Journal -- November 20, 2022 |
  14. DNA is Memory |
  15. My Standup Format |
  16. 2022 Phillies Recap and Thank You! |
  17. Recent Estimating Work Notes |
  18. Journal -- October 30, 2022 |
  19. Elixir Book Club: Testing Elixir, Starts November 13th |
  20. The Curse of Test Fixtures |
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